Creating a Testnet Wallet
List of Bitcoin Testnet Wallets
Bitcoin Core in Prune Mode with
Flag:Download and install Bitcoin Core from the official website.
Go to the installation folder and open command prompt
Run the following command to start Bitcoin Core in testnet mode:
This setup minimizes disk usage while allowing you to connect to the Testnet blockchain.
OKX Wallet:
Download the OKX Wallet extension or mobile app.
Go to Network Settings and select the Bitcoin Testnet.
Generate testnet addresses for your testing needs.
Download Electrum from the official site.
Go to installation folder and open command prompt.
Run the following command to start Bitcoin core in testnet mode:
Create te a wallet and use it to send/receive test Bitcoin.
Ethereum Testnet (Sepolia)
MetaMask on Sepolia:
Install the MetaMask browser extension or mobile app.
Navigate to Settings > Networks.
Add the Sepolia Testnet manually if does not exist with the following details:
Network Name: Sepolia Testnet
Chain ID: 11155111
Currency Symbol: ETH
Save the network and switch to it in the MetaMask dropdown.
Tron Testnet (Shasta)
TronLink Wallet:
Install the TronLink Wallet extension or app.
Open the wallet, click the settings icon, and select Shasta Testnet.
Generate a wallet address for your testing activities.
Last updated