Shopping Test Experience
After creating your store and obtaining your API key, you can test the payment gateway functionality to ensure everything works smoothly. Follow these steps to make a test payment and experience the process firsthand:
Testing the Payment Gateway
Using Shopdemo
If you have not implemented Paymento with your software to test the Paymento gateway, use our demo shopping cart:
Demo URL:
Shopdemo allows you to test the payment gateway using Bitcoin Testnet and Ethereum Testnet.
Getting Testnet Funds
Before you can make test payments, you need to obtain testnet funds. Use the following faucets to get testnet Bitcoin and Ethereum:
Bitcoin Testnet Faucet: TestnetBTC
Ethereum Testnet Faucet : Alchemy Faucet
Testing the Payment Process
Obtain Testnet Funds: Get testnet funds from the faucets listed above or any other faucets.
Visit Shopdemo: Go to
Select a Product: Choose a product from the demo store.
Redirect to Payment Gateway: You will be redirected to the Paymento payment gateway page.
For All Transactions:
Enter Email: Enter your email address to receive payment notifications.
Select Cryptocurrency: Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for the payment (Bitcoin Testnet or Ethereum Testnet).
For UTXO-Based Blockchains (e.g., Bitcoin):
QR Code/Address: You will receive a QR code or address and the amount to be paid.
Make Payment: Use your wallet to make the payment.
Transaction Confirmation: Once the transaction is confirmed, you will be redirected back to the demo shop.
For EVM-Based Blockchains (e.g., Ethereum):
Connect Wallet: Connect your wallet to the Paymento gateway.
Sign Transaction: Sign the transaction in your wallet.
Transaction Confirmation: Once the transaction is confirmed, you will be redirected back to the demo shop.
By following these steps, you can ensure that the Paymento gateway is functioning correctly and provides a seamless payment experience for your customers.
Last updated